Saturday, September 13, 2008

Session #2

Well today we had our second Patria meeting. And 1/2 of it was on the discipline that is to be used on foster kids. Being a child of God and knowing what He says in His Word about how children should be raised it was very hard to sit through this session. I know from personal experience that God's way works wonders!! And it makes me so sad that these children are denied that. I also understand that these children from the system are no longer in the safety of a family but in the home of strangers.
The 'systems' rules says that children are not to be spanked while a foster child. I understand this rule for a few reasons. Most people today have visions of a mom running after a child with her hand swatting for his diapered rear end. She's angry or frustrated with this child for he has now pushed her over the edge with his disobedience and lack of respect and she's now going to show him who is boss. This world has no clue what truly Biblical spanking looks like. The love and time and patience and encouragement that goes into it. Nor do they see how relived the child is to have a parent who loves them enough to help them learn from the wrong they did. And the safety they feel from knowing the boundaries and the freedom that comes from staying inside of them. We have discussed this with the lady from Patria and she is a believer too and understands the importance of spankings especially for a young child. But stephen encouraged me today that we are looking to adopt an infant and this no spanking rule will not affect us much at all. Again we don't know what the Lord has in store for us we are just trying to be faithful to where He is leading us. I know this road is going to have its ups and its downs but sometimes those downs take you by surprise. So on we go with the paper work...the never ending paper work=)

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